December 11, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, December 11, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Adopted the Santa Clarita 2019 Legislative Platform, which provides guidance to staff on legislative and regulatory issues of interest to the City Council and assistance to staff in conducting legislative advocacy at the federal and state levels.
- Adopted an ordinance amending Chapter 11.37 of the Santa Clarita Municipal Code to be in compliance with the provisions of Senate Bill 946, known as the Safe Sidewalk Vending Act.
- Awarded a construction management and constructability review contract to Griffin Structures Inc., in the amount not to exceed $1,575,200, and authorized the purchase of environmental mitigation credit in support of the Canyon Country Community Center project.
- Adopted resolutions amending the budgets for Fiscal Years 2017-18 and 2018-19, related to the standard procedure to perform a mid-year review of the City’s budgetary and financial position.
- During the special meeting, the City Council adopted a resolution declaring the results of the November 6, 2018 General Municipal Election, and Marsha McLean was appointed Mayor and Cameron Smyth was appointed Mayor Pro Tem.
View the Entire Agenda for the December 11, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 8, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
November 27, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, November 27, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Accepted two grant awards, in the amount of $48,519, by the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance through the Fiscal Year 2017 and 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant program.
- Awarded contracts to Motor Coach Industries and Gillig Corporation, in the amounts of $1,697,440 and $1,841,053, for the purchase of two 45-foot compressed natural gas (CNG) powered buses and three 40-foot CNG buses.
- Approved the Final Tract Map for the Needham Ranch project, which includes a subdivision of 40.05 acres into six open space lots and five industrial /commercial lots west of Sierra Highway and south of Newhall Avenue.
- Approved and passed to second reading an ordinance amending Chapter 11.37 of the Santa Clarita Municipal Code to be in compliance with the provisions of Senate Bill 946, known as the Safe Sidewalk Vending Act.
- Initiated the process to fill vacancies for the Planning Commission, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission, Arts Commission, Open Space Preservation District Financial Accountability and Audit Panel, and the City’s appointment to the Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control Board.
- Presented the results of the 2018 Public Opinion Poll, the results were overwhelmingly positive and reflect a high quality of life as expressed by residents.
View the Entire Agenda for the November 27, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 11, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
November 13, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, November 13, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Awarded a contract, in the amount of $103,339, to update the City’s pavement management system.
- Appointed Mayor Pro Tem Marsha McLean, Council Member Bob Kellar, and Public Works Director Robert Newman to serve as the City’s representatives to the governing board of the North Los Angeles County Transportation Coalition.
- Awarded a contract, in the amount of $796,954, to provide maintenance services to Landscape Maintenance District Zones T68 and T69.
- Executed a Pre-Annexation Agreement between the City and Plum Canyon Master, LLC, Pardee Homes, Inc., and Tri Pointe Homes, Inc.
View the Entire Agenda for the November 13, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 27, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
October 23, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, October 23, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Awarded a contract, in the amount of $201,200, for the Phase I design and installation of Council Chambers audio and visual equipment.
- Accepted the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Citizens’ Option for Public Safety Grant in the amount of $329,178 from the Los Angeles County Auditor-Controller.
- City Council discussed Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission’s consideration of including a homeless shelter in the Phase II Tesoro Del Valle project and requested staff send a letter expressing the City’s concerns to the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission.
View the Entire Agenda for the October 23, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 13, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
October 9, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Awarded a grant, in the amount of $75,000, to the Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society to support the renovation of historic structures at Heritage Junction.
- Awarded a contract to MNS Engineers, Inc. for project management services for the Vista Canyon Road Bridge in the amount of $307,100.
- Awarded a contract to Next Stage Engineering & Construction for the refurbishing of bus stop furniture currently in spare inventory in the amount of $83,000.
- Awarded a five-year contract to EnvisionWare, Inc., in the amount of $140,044 for public library self-check kiosks.
View the Entire Agenda for the October 9, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 23, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
September 25, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, September 25, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Appropriated a grant, in the amount of $75,000, to Homes for Families to support housing for veterans.
- Adopted an opposed position on House Resolution 3990, which grants a President of the United States statutory authority to reduce the size of a national monument established by a predecessor.
- Awarded a contract to Arcadis U.S., Inc., for the construction management and constructability review of the new Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.
View the Entire Agenda for the September 25, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
September 11, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, September 11, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Approved a contract to repair the roof at the Transit Maintenance Facility
- Adopted a resolution for the City Council to designate approved officials with the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.
View the Entire Agenda for the September 11, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
July 10, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, July 10, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Conducted a public hearing for the Santa Clarita Landscape and Lighting District Annexation Zone T52 and adopted a resolution approving the Engineer’s Report.
- Adopted a support position on Senate Bill 792, which requires the Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council to develop and implement a statewide strategic plan for addressing homelessness.
- Directed staff to work with property owners for further consideration of the McBean Parkway at Summerhill Lane median modification at a later date and approved the plans and specifications for the 2015-16 Median Modification Program at Copper Hill Drive at Copperstone Drive and Soledad Canyon Road at Gailxy Avenue.
- Approved the update to the citywide Speed Hump/Cushion Program, which will change the current requirement of a minimum Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume of 2,000 vehicles to 1,500 vehicles.
- Awarded a contract for the preparation of the Sand Canyon Resort Environmental Impact Report to Dudek.
- Appointed a voting delegate and alternate voting delegates for the City of Santa Clarita to the 2018 League of California Cities Annual Conference.
- Received the Amphitheater Feasibility Study.
View the entire agenda for the July 10, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
June 26, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Awarded contracts to Kadesh and Associates LLC and Jamison and Sullivan, Inc. for the continuation of federal legislative advocacy services.
- Approved a one-year contract with Wachsmuth & Associates and Sabadin Intervention Service for Juvenile Intervention Team Civilian Investigator services.
- Approved the plans and specifications for the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station and awarded a contract for the Phase III A Grading.
- Approved award of expenditure authority to selected vendors to provide books and materials for the Santa Clarita Public Library.
- Adopted an ordinance amending language in Title 14 of the City’s Municipal Code to ensure safe usage of parks and other public places.
- Awarded a contract to OWP Direct Mail Services, Inc. for the printing and mail preparation of the City’s SEASONS magazine.
- Conducted a public hearing for Special Districts and adopted the resolutions approving the Engineer’s Reports for the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Annual Levy of Assessments.
- Conducted a public hearing for the Open Space Preservation District and adopted a resolution approving the Engineer’s Report for the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Annual Levy of Assessments.
- Adopted the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-19 of $203 million, making appropriations for the amounts budgeted and establishing fiscal policies.
View the entire agenda for the June 26, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
June 12, 2018
Highlights of action taken include:
- Adopted the Legislative Committee’s recommendation to support Assembly Bill 1734 and Senate Bill 951, related to extending the California Film and Television Tax Credit Program.
- Adopted the Legislative Committee’s recommendation to support Assembly Bill 3162 and Senate Bill 1317, related to modifying the licensing process of alcoholism and drug abuse recovery and treatment facilities.
- Approved the Ring Doorbell and Camera Rebate Program Agreement, which includes a $100 subsidy for 500 Santa Clarita households to purchase select Ring doorbells and cameras.
- Introduced and passed to second reading an ordinance concerning parks and other public places.
- Awarded a contract to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to develop a Citywide Systemic Safety Analysis Report Program for pedestrian and bicycle collisions.
- Awarded a five-year service agreement to HydroPoint Data Systems to support landscape operations to 722 weather-based irrigation controllers.
- Awarded a three-year agreement to Innovative Interfaces, Inc. for the Santa Clarita Public Library’s integrated library system.
- Awarded a contract to Ramco General Engineering Contractors for repairs to the Santa Clarita Metrolink Station.
- Adopted a resolution calling and giving notice of the General Municipal Election to be held November 6, 2018.
- Conducted a public hearing on the proposed Fiscal Year 2018-19 Annual Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program and scheduled the budget for adoption at the June 26, 2018 City Council Meeting.
- Conducted the public hearing on the proposed Citywide fee adjustments and adopted a resolution establishing a schedule of fees and charges for City services for Fiscal Year 2018-19.
View the entire agenda for the June 12, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
May 22, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, May 22, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Adopted the Legislative Committee’s recommendation to oppose Senate Bill 828, Senate Bill 831 and Senate Bill 946 and to support Assembly Bill 2214 and Assembly Bill 2268.
- Approved the Wayfinding Directional Signage Agreement between the City and the Building Industry Association.
- Awarded a one-year contract to Ace Parking for parking enforcement and traffic control services.
- Approved the plans and specifications for the overlay portion of the 2017-18 Annual Overlay and Slurry Seal Program, Project M0124.
- Awarded a four-year contract to Clean Sweep Environmental, Inc. for Citywide street sweeping.
- Approved the plans and specifications for the Copper Hill Park Restroom, Project P4015.
- Approved the plans and specifications for the Creekside Road Raised Crosswalks, Project B1017.
- Reviewed and adopted the resolution to oppose the Tax Fairness, Transparency and Accountability Act of 2018.
- Authorized the installation of eight networked Level II Electric Vehicle charging stations at various locations Citywide.
View the entire agenda for the May 22, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
May 8, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, May 8, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Conducted a second reading and adopted an ordinance establishing regulations for the use of the City Seal, City Logos, and other City logos.
- Conducted a second reading and adopted an ordinance amending and restating Construction and Demolition Materials Management to align with current and future Santa Clarita Green Building Standards.
- Approved a two-year contract extension with Tetra Tech to provide stormwater monitoring services for implementation of the Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP).
- Adopted a resolution approving amendments which will extend the Temporary Bin and Roll-off Box Franchise Agreements until June 2020.
- Adopted a resolution associated with the annual process of ordering, approving and setting the public hearing on the annual levy of the Open Space Preservation District.
- Approved the plans and specifications for the Newhall Park Recreation Building Roof Replacement.
- Awarded a four-year contract to MV Transportation for the operation and maintenance of the City’s local, commuter and dial-a-ride bus service.
- Adopted an ordinance approving the annexation of Plum Canyon, Skyline Ranch and North Sand Canyon.
- Awarded a contract to IntelesysOne Inc. for the purchase and installation of a new phone system that would serve City Hall, Corporate Yard, Sports Complex and all park sites.
- Conducted a public hearing on the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Fee for Fiscal Year 2018-19.
- Approved the Draft 2018-2019 Annual Action Plan and Community Development Block Grant funding recommendations.
- Adopted a resolution that states the City Council’s opposition to SB 54 and directs the City Attorney to file an amicus curiae brief in the United States v. State of California lawsuit, if and when appropriate.
View the entire agenda for the May 8, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
April 24, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 24, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Introduced and passed to second reading an ordinance establishing regulations for the use of the City Seal, City Logos, and other City logos.
- Approved the plans and specifications for the FY 2017-18 Citywide Major Thoroughfare Median Turf Removal on Magic Mountain Parkway from Railroad Avenue to Fairways/Avignon Drive.
- Awarded the design contract to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to upgrade 30 existing guardrails located along major roadways in the City.
- Introduced and passed to second reading an ordinance amending Construction and Demolition Materials Management to align with current and future Santa Clarita Green Building Standards.
- Awarded a contract for the preparation of the Princessa Crossroads Environmental Impact Report for a proposed development including 925 residential units and 680,000 square feet of new commercial space.
- Awarded a contract to Honeywell International, Inc. for the replacement of the Old Town Newhall Library boiler.
- Adopted a resolution to execute any actions necessary to obtain financial assistance provided by the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 California Department of Transportation Low Carbon Transit Operations Program.
- Adopted a resolution authorizing submittal of the Mather’s Mine Acquisition Project for an Environmental Enhancement Mitigation (EEM) Program grant application.
- Awarded a contract to Exposhows Inc. for the July 4, 2018 fireworks show.
- Awarded a contract to Spacesavers Systems Inc. dba Infolinx System Solutions for a new physical records management system.
- Conducted the public hearing and adopted a resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit an application requesting annexation of approximately 3,118.8 acres in Plum Canyon, Skyline Ranch and North Sand Canyon.
- Appointed Phil Hart to the Planning Commission.
View the entire agenda for the April 24, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
April 10, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 10, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Adopted an ordinance prohibiting commercial cannabis businesses and regulating the home cultivation of cannabis.
- Adopted the Legislative Committee’s recommendation to adopt a resolution on offshore drilling.
- Adopted a support position on Senate Resolution 96 (Wilk and Stern) regarding potential mining in Soledad Canyon.
- Approved the construction plans and specifications for Fiscal Year 2017-18 Annual Concrete Rehabilitation Program projects for removal and replacement of damaged sidewalks, driveway approaches, and access ramps within the City.
- Awarded a design contract to Pace Advance Water Engineering for Regional Stormwater Best Management Practices preliminary design and decision tool for Green Street Low Impact Development to direct water into an infiltration facility and to assist in identifying areas within the City for treating roadway runoff.
- Conducted the continued Public Hearing, received the staff report, presentation, and public comments, certified the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Dockweiler Drive Extension Project and adopted a resolution approving the alignment of the Dockweiler Drive Extension as described in the Final Environmental Impact Report as Alternative 2.
- Adopted the Legislative Committee’s recommendation to support the Reducing Crime and Keeping California Safe Act of 2018.
View the entire agenda for the April 10, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
March 27, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 27, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Approved the City’s participation in the North Los Angeles County Transportation Coalition Joint Powers Authority for purposes of receiving and managing Measure M funds for transportation projects.
- Adopted the Legislative Committee’s recommendation to support S. 1926 (Harris), which proposes to establish a national memorial and monument to commemorate the victims of the Saint Francis Dam collapse of March 12, 1928.
- Adopted the Legislative Committee’s recommendation to oppose Senate Bill 827 (Wiener), which restricts local authority regarding density, height, parking, and design standards related to residential developments near a transit stop or corridor.
- Adopted a resolution declaring the list of projects proposed to be funded by Senate Bill 1, Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, Local Streets and Roads, Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation for Fiscal Year 2018-19 into the Capital Improvement Program.
- Approved and authorized an agreement between the City of Santa Clarita and the Santa Clarita Community College District regarding the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center at College of the Canyons.
- Approved and authorized an agreement between the City of Santa Clarita and the Newhall School District regarding the Newhall Family Theater for the Performing Arts at Newhall Elementary School.
- Conducted a public hearing and passed to second reading an ordinance prohibiting cannabis-related commercial land uses and regulating the home cultivation of cannabis, consistent with Proposition 64.
View the entire agenda for the March 27, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
March 13, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 13, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Presented a 90th anniversary film and accepted resolutions to commemorate the St. Francis Dam Disaster.
- Awarded a contract to E.C. Construction Company for the purchase and installation of bus shelters, benches and trash receptacles at 29 bus stops.
- Awarded a contract to Moore & Associates to update the transportation development plan to project future transit service needs.
- Awarded a two-year contract to Oakridge Landscape Inc. to provide landscape maintenance services for all City Transit facilities.
- Awarded a contract to American Landscape, Inc. to install irrigation master valve and flow sensors.
- Awarded a two-year contract to Foothill Soils, Inc. for the purchase and delivery of mulch for the Landscape Maintenance District (LMD).
- Increased the contract amount for building plan review, building inspection and other permit-related professional services.
- Conducted a public hearing and received information regarding the results of the annual Community Needs Assessment conducted as part of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.
View the entire agenda for the March 13, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 27, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
February 27, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 27, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Approved the Final Tract Map for the Needham Ranch project, which includes a subdivision of 53.26 acres into 12 industrial/commercial lots west of Sierra Highway and south of Newhall Avenue.
- Appropriated funding for the demolition of buildings on City-owned property at the future Canyon Country Community Center site located at the northeast corner of Soledad Canyon Road and Sierra Highway.
- Awarded a contract to Michael Baker International, Inc. to prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Henry Mayo Hospital Specific Plan, Master Plan and Development Agreement for a new inpatient building and parking structure.
- Awarded a contract to Analytic Insight to develop a plan to prevent and combat homelessness with funds from the City Planning Grant.
- Conducted a Public Hearing; and received the staff report, presentation and public comments for the Dockweiler Drive Extension project at Lyons Avenue. The item will be continued to the April 10, 2018 City Council meeting.
View the entire agenda for the February 27, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
February 13, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Accepted the Fiscal Year 2017-18 Citizen’s Option for Public Safety Grant and approved the use of funds to continue funding the Career Offenders Burglary, Robbery, and Assault (COBRA) Team.
- Approved the purchase of 1+/- acres in Newhall for the expansion of the Bridge to Home winter shelter.
- Adopted a resolution to submit grant requests and enter into an agreement for State Transit Assistance State of Good Repair Funds from the California Department of Transportation.
- Adopted a resolution authorizing the continuation of worker’s compensation coverage for City volunteers.
- Authorized sending a letter to the City’s Federal Legislative Delegation, encouraging them to support policies that address the impacts and challenges of climate change in an effective way.
View the entire agenda for the February 13, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
January 23, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, January 23, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Recognized Don Fleming as a founding member of the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation.
- Proclaimed January 2018 as Homeowners’ Exemption Awareness Month.
- Received a presentation regarding the Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Commission Goals.
- Received an annual update of the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation.
- Authorized three consecutive Fiscal Years (FY 2018-2021) of annual expenditures for the renewal of support for the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation.
- Approved the purchase of 0.24 +/- acres of land on Main Street in Downtown Newhall with a 4,598 square foot building for the Santa Clarita Valley Public Television studio.
- Approved funding for the 2018 Community Services and Arts Grants Committee’s program.
- Awarded a contract for comprehensive streetlight transition services.
- Awarded a two-year contract to provide contractual landscape maintenance services to City parks.
- Opposed the proposed California Public Utilities Commission Resolution, which orders the Southern California Gas Company to implement an emergency moratorium on new, commercial, and industrial customer gas connections.
View the entire agenda from the January 23, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
January 9, 2018
The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, January 9, 2018:
Highlights of action taken include:
- Authorized staff to proceed with the Santa Clarita Public Library transition to in-house operation and staffing, effective on July 1, 2018.
- Approved the purchase of 176+/- acres of real property adjacent to San Francisquito Canyon Road and north of Copper Hill Drive for the purpose of public recreational and open space preservation.
- Appropriated funds and further authorization to increase the expenditure authority to the Landscape Maintenance District in response to the December 5 Rye Fire.
- Adopted the ordinance establishing a Senior Mobilehome Park Overlay Zone.
- Approved and ratified for payment the demands presented in Check Register No. 25.
View the entire agenda from the January 9, 2018 meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.
Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.