The Old Town Newhall Specific Plan (OTNSP) established a new code and zoning for the Old Town Newhall area. This website describes the development standards and the required permits specific to this area. To view the complete OTNSP, please click here.
Quick Access to The Code (Chapter 4 of the OTNSP)
Old Town Newhall Specific Plan (OTNSP)
The Old Town Newhall Specific Plan was adopted in 2005 and recently updated in 2022. The Plan establishes the overall vision for Old Town Newhall and has successfully guided its growth, development and revitalization over the last 15 years. The Plan is a regulatory document that codifies development standards, design guidelines and implementation measures for the development of buildings, places, streets and infrastructure. These regulations are ultimately intended to implement the goals and policies of the City’s General Plan, as they apply to the 20-block area of Old Town Newhall.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 
1.1 History and Context
1.2 Overview of Existing Conditions
1.3 Relationship to the General Plan
1.4 Public Participation and Plan Preparation
1.5 Design Principles
1.6 Elements of the Plan
Chapter 2: Form and Character
2.1 The Plan for Old Town Newhall
2.2 Catalytic Projects
2.3 Completed Catalysts from the 2005 OTNSP
2.4 Historic Preservation
2.5 Landscape and the Public Realm
2.6 Transportation