Revised Henry Mayo Master Plan

3. Comments and Responses Part A

4. Comments and Responses Part B

5. Comments and Responses Part C

6. Comments and Responses Part D

7. Comments and Responses Part E

8. Comments and Responses Part F

4. Project Description

5. Cumulative

6. Environmental Analysis

7. Land Use

8. Population and Employment

9. Aesthetics

10. Traffic

11. Parking

12. Air Quality

13. Noise

14. Geology, Soils and Seismicity

15. Hazards

16. Hydrology-Water Quality

17. Fire

18. Sheriff

19. Schools

20. Solid Waste

21. Electricity

22. Natural Gas

23. Water Supply

24. Wastewater

25. Alternatives

26. Long-term Implications

27. Unavoidable

28. Effects not Significant

29. Persons Consulted

Revised Draft EIR September 2008 – Technical Appendices

Appendix 0_Cover-Table of Contents

Appendix A_Initial Study NOP

Appendix B_NOP Comments

Appendix C_Cumulative Growth Calculations

Appendix D_Water Supply Assessment

Appendix E_Traffic Impact Analysis

Appendix F1_Air Quality Impact Analysis

Appendix F2_Greenhouse Emissions Technical Memo

Appendix F3_OPR CEQA and Climate Chagne Technical Advisory

Appendix G_Noise Impact Analysis

Appendix H_Geology and Soils Analysis

Appendix I_HMNMH Central Plant Materials Storage List

Appendix J_Helipad Noise Analysis

Appendix K_Parking Study Report

Appendix L_Hydrology Study

Appendix M_Sewer Study

Additional Appendices

Appendix D-Appendix a-WSA

Appendix D-Appendix b-2005 UWMP

Appendix D-Appendix c-Basin Yield

Appendix D-Appendix d-Groundwater Management Plan

Appendix D-Appendix e-Riv Lit Finding

Appendix D-Appendix f-West Creek Decision

Appendix D-Appendix g-Water Supply Contract

Appendix D-Appendix h-Water Management Program

Appendix D-Appendix i-Point of Delivery Agreement

Appendix D-Appendix j-Groundwater Bulletin 118

Appendix D-Appendix k-CLWA Capital Improvement

Appendix D-Appendix l-Well Comparison2

Appendix D-Appendix m-Effect of Urbanization

Appendix D-Appendix n-Regional Groundwater Flow

Appendix D-Appendix o-Perchlorate Containment

Appendix D-Appendix p-Near Term Groundwater Capture

Appendix D-Appendix q-CLWA Supplemental Water Transfer EIR

Appendix D-Appendix r-Recycled Water Master Plan

Appendix D-Appendix s-Perchlorate Impact and Response

Appendix D-Appendix t-Remedial Action Plan

Appendix D-Appendix u-Groundwater Recharge

Appendix D-Appendix v-Perchlorate Tech Memo Wells E14-E17

Appendix D-Appendix w-CLWA Reso re Recycled Water

Appendix D-Appendix x-2006 SCV Water Report

Appendix D-Appendix x-WSz CPUC Decision 10-16-03

Appendix D-Appendix y-CPUC Decision 11-29-01

Appendix D-Appendix za-CPUC Decision 8-24-06

Appendix D-Appendix zb-2003 Point of Delivery Agreement

Appendix D-Appendix zc-Draft

Appendix K-Parking Study Report Appendices