Santa Clarita’s Skatepark is available to the community 365 days a year, weather permitting.
Home » Santa Clarita Skatepark
Santa Clarita’s Skatepark is available to the community 365 days a year, weather permitting.
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Santa Clarita City Hall
23920 Valencia Blvd.,
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
Phone: (661) 259-2489
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Designed and Developed by the City of Santa Clarita
Santa Clarita City Hall
23920 Valencia Blvd.,
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
Phone: (661) 259-2489
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Designed and Developed by the City of Santa Clarita
Official Website of the City of Santa Clarita
Santa Clarita City Hall
23920 Valencia Blvd.,
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
Phone: (661) 259-2489
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Designed and Developed by the City of Santa Clarita