Mike Hennawy

Director of Public Works
Mike Hennawy is the Director of Public Works for the City of Santa Clarita. He began his career with the City in 2003 as an Associate Engineer, and since January 2018, has served as the City Engineer. Over the course of his career with the City, Mike has taken the lead on many complex projects, including the complete seismic retrofit of City Hall. He has also played a key role in assessing neighborhoods in the aftermath of destructive fires, ensuring lives and property were protected from potential flooding. With a focus on organizational and community goals, Mike’s leadership has been essential to the delivery of a multitude of projects contained in the Santa Clarita 2020 plan and will continue to be toward the completion of projects included in the Santa Clarita 2025 plan. Projects include adding major roadways to improve traffic circulation and safety, continuing the Road Rehabilitation program to ensure high-quality roadways, and continuing the sidewalk maintenance program. Mike holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt and is a registered Professional Civil Engineer in the State of California.