Reserve a Paseo/Street Banner

Paseo and Street Pole Banner pricing sheet

Paseo & Banners Pricing Sheet


Banners for Non-Profit Events

The City of Santa Clarita offers local, non-profit organizations the opportunity to secure banners promoting local, non-profit events on paseo bridges and on Southern California Edison street light poles in the City. The program is administered by the City’s contractor: Gold Metropolitan Media  (818) 348-1913 To view a full list of available placement locations, please click here. To view banner placement procedures, please click here.

Hometown Heroes Military Banner Program

The Hometown Heroes Military Banner Program was established by the City of Santa Clarita to honor and recognize currently serving, active military personnel from the Santa Clarita Valley. Order a Banner

Banners for Non-Profit Events

The City of Santa Clarita offers local, non-profit organizations the opportunity to secure banners promoting local, non-profit events on paseo bridges and on Southern California Edison street light poles in the City. 

The program is administered by the City’s contractor: Gold Metropolitan Media 

(818) 348-1913

To view a full list of available placement locations, please click here.

To view banner placement procedures, please click here.

Hometown Heroes Military Banner Program

The Hometown Heroes Military Banner Program was established by the City of Santa Clarita to honor and recognize currently serving, active military personnel from the Santa Clarita Valley.

Order a Banner

Image showing pricing for Bridge Banners fir City of Santa Clarita